Notwithstanding the controversy surrounding the recent agitation against corruption launched by Yog Guru Baba Ramdev, the contribution of Baba in developing the science of Yog and bringing it to the doorstep of common man cannot be ignored.
The emphasis in Baba's teaching is on performing Pranayam (controlled breathing). The course includes few Pranayams and Yogasans. Baba calls it as Pran-Yog. The principal among Pranayams are Kapalbhati and Anulom-Vilom. Some people accuse him of corrupting Patanjali Yog. The bogey of vitiating the "purity" of the science of Yog is also raised. However the argument is untenable as millions have benefited by the Pran-Yog, in terms of curing the diseases, some of them incurable by the allopathy.
Another important contribution to the credit of Baba Ramdev, he brought the science of Yog, in particular Pranayam, to the common man.