Monday, March 29, 2010
Make Marathi first language till SSC in Maharashtra
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The importance of communication must be understood by everyone, irrespective of the age. We need to communicate effectively at work place, at home, to our distant friends or relatives. Internet has made the world smaller and opened new channels of communication. Some people believe that internet friendship or relationship is meaningless, as it can be ‘deleted’ just by pressing a ‘button’. I don’t believe. Cheaters don’t require internet to cheat on the relationship. Remember the story of Raja Harishchandra? He kept the promise made in the dream. So it all depends on how much we remain ‘committed’ to our relationship, whether internet or otherwise. I find commitment is a personality trait.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
These ‘Days’
The celebration of ‘Days’ appears to be western style, but Indian tradition is not far behind. The mechanical way in which we celebrate our festivals like ‘Padva’ and
Take the example of ‘Women’s Day’! On this day, all of us must ponder over our relationships with women playing different roles in our life: mother, sister, daughter, wife, colleague or boss. Are we thankful and gratuitous to all these individuals for their services or guidance? We Indians are hypocritic on this score.
Whilst we never get tired singing songs praising these relationships, but in practice our record is very poor. The rising graph of crime against women illustrates that aspect. Today’s news tells me that on average three women are molested in the National Capital, every day. Disgusting, sub-animal behavior !!
The fact remains that the status of women in India, where we are taught to worship Goddess, has not changed from the ancient times of Sita Mai, Draupadi, till date.
About Me

- Dr J D Bapat
- Adviser and Development Professional for Cement Manufacturing, Concrete and Construction. Arbitrator. Motivational Speaker.