The Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD), Government of India, has announced the decision to merge IIT
Joint Entrance Exam (IIT-JEE) with the All India Engineering Entrance
Examination (AIEEE) from 2013. The 'one nation, one test' proposal was a unanimous decision of the IIT
Council taken in accordance with the IIT Act passed by the Indian
Parliament, nearly six decades ago. Some IIT Senates and the Alumni Groups are opposing it. The opposition is unjustified and smacks of elitism.
It is not understood how it will result in the reduction of standard of the entrance examination, when the test papers are to be set by the IIT faculty, as done in current IIT-JEE. The consideration for 50% marks obtained in the Board Examination should not bother IITians as major difference will come from the marks obtained in the Advanced Paper (set by IIT faculty) and the results are declared in terms of percentile score.
The One Nation One Test policy will have the following long-term beneficial impacts
(a) It will lead to the improvement in the standard of syllabi and the teaching in higher secondary schools, across the country.
(b) The burden on the students of appearing for multiple tests and the administrative expenses will be reduced.
The HRD Minister must be congratulated for pursuing the progressive policy.